At Pattigift Therapy, we offer a range of African centred accredited courses and training programs designed to support therapists, counsellors and all those who work with or for African heritage people.
Pattigift Therapy is proud to offer the first series of accredited courses that are focused on Black psychological and emotional wellness. Premised on African Black psychology, our Ancient African wisdom traditions, and our understanding of our human potentiality. Our course actively engages with the social and political realities of our time.
Which actively enables the participants to immerse themselves in black thinking to create and develop black lead solution as we step towards taking responsibility for our own and our communities psychological wellbeing. This all starts with self-knowledge, these course are not merely for gathering of information or intellectual exercises. They are an active step towards the decolonising of our thinking for community healing.
To apply we require a C.V and outline in 500 words the reasons for pursuing the course. To find out more or to apply, email us at
Press the button below, to find out what continued professional development we are currently offering.
EnquiriesExplore our courses and enrol today.